Guy Kennaway
“Tom Sharpe meets Watership Down in the hugely enjoyable story of Basil Peyton-Crumbe… Funny, astute and completely absorbing”—Guardian (on Bird Brain)
Guy Kennaway is primarily a writer of fiction, but dabbles in journalism. In all his work he likes to find oppressed minorities, under severe pressure, and make fun of them. Comedy is the only way he has found of dealing with tragedy. his best known book, until the next one, is Bird Brain, published by Jonathan Cape, which is an account of pheasant shooting narrated by a pheasant … and a pro-shooting pheasant at that. Forty million pheasants are raised each year in Britain to be shot – and Guy conjectures that they are not overly happy with the situation. In a world where the fox, the badger and the raptors all enjoy protection, the pheasants must wonder what exactly they’ve done to deserve such treatment.
Books by Guy Kennaway
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